Copyright © Washington County Weed Control. All rights reserved.
Washington County Weed Advisory Board
Jerry Lunsford, Chairman
Lyndon Haines, County Commissioner Liaison
Bonnie Davis, Recording Secretary
Bruce Gochnour
Calvin Hickey
Harmon Horton
Brice Mosekian
Royce Schwenkfelder
Tom Sutton
Isaac Ward
Tom Yankey
The Washington County Weed Advisory Board meets at 7:00 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Weed Department, located at 1118 E. Court Street - Weiser, Idaho
The public is welcome to attend.
Technical Advisors to the Weed Advisory Board
Bureau of Land Management-Lonnie Huter
US Forest Service-Andy Bumgarner
Idaho Power-Sarah Funk
Idaho Department of Lands-Scott Corkill
Idaho Department of Fish & Game-Aaron Switalski
Idaho Department of Agriculture-Dan Safford
Washington County Commissioners-Lyndon Haines